Bronx Community Board 8, like all the community boards within NYC, has an important advisory role in dealing with land use and zoning matters, the City budget, municipal service delivery and many other matters relating to their communities’ welfare. Some of the major issues that Board 8 has addressed in recent years include: the creation of a comprehensive vision for the community through a 197-A Plan; the rezoning of various areas to prevent development that is out of character with a local area; amendments to the Greenbelt or Special Natural Area District provisions; and the economic revitalization of West 230th Street and Broadway.
Bronx Community Board 8 meets the second Tuesday of every month – except in summer – in varying locations. Check the calendar for more information.
The Charter permits community residents who are not Board members to serve on Board committees. Bronx Community Board No. 8 has fourteen (14) committees that meet regularly. The committees are: Aging; Budget; Economic Development; Education; Environment & Sanitation; Health, Hospitals & Social Services; Housing; Land Use; Law, Rules & Ethics; Libraries & Cultural Affairs; Parks & Recreation; Public Safety; Traffic & Transportation; and Youth.