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Land Use

The Land Use Committee meets the first Monday of the month.

The Land Use Committee to evaluate, preserve and protect the use of land and buildings in the area comprising Bronx Community Board No. 8, including the conduct of ULURP and related hearings, with attention to zoning, landmark, building and fire code regulations. Including, among other matters, proactively working with local institutions, community organizations and local businesses to develop community friendly long range development strategies and plans, working with city agencies to secure enforcement of, affect change in, and assist in application of city laws and regulations governing all land use issues such as landmarking and Special Natural Areas District provisos as they impact our community.

Resident Complaints/Inquiries about development in the district should be first directed to 311 and then sent to the board office. Non permitted construction should be reported to 311 immediately.

Committee Members

Charles G. Moerdler, Chair
Martin Wolpoff, Vice Chair
Bob Bender
Lee Chong
Omar Murray
Adiana Rivera
Daniel Rowen

Jessica Sosa
Laura Spalter

Staff Liaison: Farrah Kule Rubin

Land Use Projects in Bronx Community Board 8

Visit the Department of City Planning’s Zoning Application Portal (“ZAP”). The Zoning Application Portal offers the ability to search for specific land use applications through a variety of filters and features.

On the ZAP platform, in addition to public hearing and Community Board and Borough President Recommendations, there are direct links to City Planning tools and other databases (i.e.Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS), Building Information System (BISweb) , New York City’s Zoning & Land Use Map (ZoLa).

Community Board Review

Within sixty (60) days of receiving the certified application, the Community Board is required to hold a public hearing and adopt and submit a written recommendation to CPC, the applicant, the Borough President and when appropriate, the Borough Board. The ULURP rules include provisions relating to the notice and conduct of a Community Board public hearing. ULURP provisions also govern the quorum, vote and content for a Community Board recommendation. If a Community Board fails to act within its time limit or waives its right to act, the application proceeds to the next level of review.


Zoning shapes the city. Zoning determines the size and use of buildings, where they are located and, in large measure, the densities of the city’s diverse neighborhoods. Along with the city’s power to budget, tax, and condemn property, zoning is a key tool for carrying out planning policy. New York City has been a pioneer in the field of zoning policy since it enacted the nation’s first comprehensive Zoning Resolution in 1916.

Helpful Links:

Adopted 197-a Plan by Bronx Community Board 8 in 2003 called: CD 8 2000: A River to Reservoir Preservation Strategy

In 2003 City Planning Commission and the City Council approved the comprehensive plan submitted by Bronx Community Board 8 pursuant to Section 197a of the City Charter. The plan covers the entire community district, including the neighborhoods of Fieldston, Kingsbridge, Kingsbridge Heights, Marble Hill, Riverdale, Spuyten Duyvil and Van Cortlandt Village. It also includes one of the city’s four Special Natural Area Districts, designated in the Zoning Resolution to guide development in areas of outstanding natural beauty.

Get the CD8 Plan
Get the City Planning Commission Report
Review the City Planning Site

Special Natural Area District Proposed Zoning Text Amendments

Community Board 8’s Land Use Committee established a Working Group in the Spring of 2015 to study changes to the Special Natural Area District being developed by the Department of City Planning. Attached is the Final Report of the SNAD Working Group describing amendments they proposed. Also attached are the Working Group’s First Interim Report and Second Interim Report written over the four-years. They give a full history of the issue and are referenced often in the Final ReportDownload to see the Department of City Planning’s Proposed SNAD Zoning text Amendments.

The SNAD zoning text amendments were certified by the City Planning Commission on May 6th. This action began the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure and the Land Use Committee ULURP hearing was held on June 3rd. The Full Board Meeting was on June 27th. Download the resolution passed at the June 27th Full Board Meeting.

The Borough President’s Hearing was on July 11th and on July 29th, the Borough President sent the City Planning Commission a Negative Recommendation. Download the thank you letter from Community Board 8 Chair, Rosemary Ginty and download the Borough President’s Full Negative Recommendation. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Board Office at 718-884-3959.

The City Planning Commission held Public Hearings on this subject on August 14, 2019 and August 28, 2019. The City Planning Commission voted favorably to adopt the proposed Special Natural Resources District on September 25th. Visit the Department of City Planning SNAD page. The Department of City Planning withdrew the application on October 10, 2019 and current SNAD regulations remain in effect. Bronx Community Board 8 thanks the SNAD Working Group, community members, Elected Officials and the community organizations for their years of effort on this issue.








December 2022

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